individual therapy

Individual therapy is the therapeutic process through which clients meet one on one with a trained professional therapist. The therapeutic process in individual therapy sessions lends itself as a safe and confidential platform in which the client is able to explore emotions, beliefs, behaviors, and address any challenging and pressing concerns. Through this therapeutic process clients are also able to identify aspects of their lives they envision changing, learn more about themselves in relationship with others, identify opportunities for growth, and ultimately aim towards desired change. Though individual therapy is a one on one therapeutic setting, because of the overarching systemic theory of Marriage and Family Therapy the client and therapist will engage in a relational approach seeking to understand client’s presenting concerns through a systemic and relational lens which allows client to understand and be understood within the context he/she exists.

If you are interested in engaging in individual therapy, please fill out our pre-intake form and one of our team members will reach out to you for a phone intake within the next 24 to 48 hours.