couples therapy

Because couple and marital therapy involves two individuals and the dynamics that exist in their relationship, the therapeutic process involves breaking down barriers to create a healthy relational process through which clients are able to find safe and healthy ways to explore emotions, beliefs, needs, behaviors, and address any pressing concerns. Through this process clients can identify aspects of their relationship they envision changing, learn more about themselves in relationship with others, identify opportunity for growth, and move towards desired change. The therapist and couple become a team aiming to build hope and confidence in the relationship connection. Together they will find solutions that not only meet the individual needs of each individual but also the collective need of the relational system.

Through couples therapy the therapist helps couples understand what makes their dynamic work—or not. Whether you are dating, engaged, married or just in a seriously committed relationship, Creative Harmony Clinical Services can help you to develop the kind of relationship you want.

If you are interested in engaging couples’ therapy please fill out our pre-intake form and one of our team members will reach out to you for a phone intake within the next 24 to 48 hours.