Welcome, we are blessed that you are here!

Welcome to Creative Harmony a haven of hope and healing, where faith and mental health intertwine to nurture stronger, more resilient Christian individuals, marriages, couples and families. At Creative Harmony, we stand firmly grounded in the Christian faith and wholeheartedly believe in the transformative power of love, compassion, and God's grace.

We specialize in working with individuals and families in ministry, including pastors, ministers, and leaders who, in their calling, often carry the weight of others' burdens while grappling with their own unique challenges. We understand the profound importance of a strong spiritual foundation and are dedicated to walking alongside you on your journey to spiritual and emotional well-being.

Our mission is simple, yet profound: to bridge the gap between faith and mental health, eliminating the unnecessary stigma that has sometimes kept Christians from seeking the support they need. We believe that seeking professional guidance and support is not a sign of weakness but a testament to your strength, your commitment to your faith, and your dedication to the well-being of your loved ones.

We create a safe and nurturing space where you can openly share the day-to-day challenges that are a part of the Christian walk. Whether you're struggling with the demands of your ministry, seeking to strengthen your marriage, or facing issues within your family, we are here to listen, to understand, and to guide you with compassion.

With faith as our foundation, we provide a holistic approach to therapy, integrating systemic and psychological expertise with the healing power of scripture and prayer. We believe that, through God's grace, individuals and families can find renewed purpose, resilience, and deeper connections with one another.

In the midst of life's storms, we are your beacon of light, your partners in healing, and your advocates for faith-based mental wellness. Together, we can navigate the challenges and celebrate the victories on your path to a stronger, more harmonious life, grounded in both faith and mental health.

We look forward to helping you discover the greatness you harbor within.

Carolina & Itsuannette

Our vision:


Our Mission:

to bridge the gap between faith and mental health, eliminating the unnecessary stigma that has sometimes kept Christians from seeking the support they need.